
an online journal of student writing





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This Is Home

Going Fishing,  by Luke Gislason Home, by Austin Kohl
My Home, by Casey Bledsoe My Best Friend, by Monique Haman
Winter Night, by Jacob Slater It is like this...by Olivia Comstock
Bed, by Keith Johnson Roseau, by Andy Czeh
My Room, by Kaley Kvasager  Artificial Hero, by Karen Kirsten Nygren
Shells, by Lexy Deming The Perfect Morning, by M. VandeWege
Relax, by  Ashley Larsen Grandma's Store, by Breanna Monson
House, by Madison Millner The Door Bell, by Jeremy Markstrom
Where it all begins, by Lindsey Decker A Stroll Through the Woods, by Mike Tangen
What I'm Leaving Behind,  by Alex Horras The Land, by Colt A. Thompson
Backyard Treehouse, by Taylor McFarlane Once, by Marissa Brandt
When I am at home, by Adelle Murphy Madison's Tree climbing, by Adelle Murphy
Home, by Austin Kaml Home, by Jordan Olson